2011 Top 10

Best of northofthetyneCam
1BambCastle  Storm clouds gathering over Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland. 2BikesKeilderCastle  A family have left their bicycles to take advantage of the "castle cafe". Keilder Village, Northumberland 3RothleyCrags  Codgers fort. A folly near Scots Gap, Northumberland. 4Tynebridges  Tyne Bridges, Newcastle upon Tyne
5Falstone  Looking to Falstone village fron the Keilder Dam. 6FontburnReservoir  Fontburn Reservoir 7HartleybaySteps  St Mary's lighthouse seen from Hartley Bay. 8KeilderWaler  Keider water
9Tynecranes  There are few raemaining of the great cranes that once lined the River Tyne. These are at Shepards Offshore. 10ThreeKiters  Duelling kites at the International Kite festival on Whitley Bay liks.