2017 Top 10

Webmaster's selection from northofthetyne.co.uk pictures.
1CoquetRainstorm  Taken on review of my Rothbury Walk 31/0717 2WallsendJackets  Windturbine Jackets at Wallsend 27/11/17 3NorthBlyth  Eerie light following a storm North Blyth 01/12/17 4Derwentwater  Looking across Calves Head Cove 20/01/17
5NorthShields  mist on the River Tyne 17/02/17 6Castlerigg  A stop at Castlerigg on the way home 21/01/17 7MouthoftheTyne  Another early morning River Tyne shot 20/10/17 8CamboisTelegraph  The Hoppers at Blyth from Cambois 01/12/17
9SeatonSluice  Tide out at Seaton Sluice 03/02/17 10StMary'sIsland  An irrisistable shot from Seaton Sluice with my new NikonP900 15/12/17